The Beginning…

This post shall signify the start of this blog. This blog will serve as a personal journal in reference to all things mental health, my opinions and how it relates to the general public (I.e. social stigma, media examples, etc.). This blog will also be linked to a podcast that will be starting hopefully during April/May which would entail many of the same topics but have a more focus on the social media aspect of things. This blog would also serve as a reference point for my side business, Vent with Ken, where people have the opportunity to have my ear for $1 per hour to talk about whatever issues that they may have. My goal with the blog is not for notoriety but to get the information out of my head and onto a platform where it could be positively received. So all I ask is for you to tell a friend to tell a friend and we could start to understand the inner workings of The Mind.


Vent With Kenny