Site Update
The reason for this post is just to give a quick update on what’s to come in the next few weeks. So far for anyone that has frequented the site since the last post, you may have noticed there is a new page on the blog. That page will link to my Fiverr account where you could book a life coaching session. If you were around at the beginning of this blogging journey you may remember the “Vent With Ken” service that I began. I set up this service in similar fashion and it is a three-tiered service.
Tier 1: Vent ($10)
At this tier, also the lowest tier, you would have 30 minutes where you can vent to me about whatever it is that has been bothering you up until this point. I don’t plan on providing any advice nor suggestion but just an unbiased ear to listen to your problems. I’ve always been of the belief that when people have problems they sometimes need someone to just be there with them and to listen rather than provide solutions. This leads into the second tier.
Tier 2: Vent with Advice ($20)
At this tier you would have the same 30 minutes at the lowest tier to vent about the issues but the following 30 minutes I will provide my advice/suggestion about the information that you provided to me. I aim for this part to be a discussion rather than me telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. To me this is the same as brainstorming. The same way that I believe that some people would benefit from the unbiased ear, they could also benefit from having someone that they would be able to bounce ideas off of. This way they would be an active participant in the solution finding process.
Tier 3: Life Coach ($40)
At this last tier, and also the highest/most expensive, is where I will work as your life coach. We will discuss whatever goal that you would like to achieve during our time working together and we will come up with an action plan to do so. Even though this may be a new venture for me, I’ve been doing plans like these with clients diagnosed with SPMI (severe and persistent mental illness) since my time in this field which is about 4 years.
Aside from this, the next blog will be a topic from psychoanalytic theory which is the topic of the Ego. I’ve been out of town over the past week so I had no real time to do the research to write this post but over the next couple days I will begin the research and start writing the post.