My Take on Communication

The topic that I would like to touch on is about what I assume to be the general public’s difficulty in having tough conversations. Due to this being an assumption, this is not based in fact but in what I have observed throughout my life so far. What I’ve realized is that normally people hold off on tough conversations for too long, which leads to the outcome of these conversations to be less than favorable. I know that I have been guilty of doing this as well, so this topic isn’t coming from a place of superiority.

To use a “real life” example, think of a time when you wanted to ask someone of interest out. You express this interest to your friends and they tell you to go for it. However you’re hesitant because you aren’t sure what to expect. When you bring up this hesitation to your friends they respond, “The worst they can say is no”. Even though this is true the hesitation is still there. Situations like this is what I’m talking about. Even though the worst that they can say is no, often we aren’t truly ready for that conversation. I’ve realized in my own life that with difficult conversations when you are accepting of both the possible positive and negative reactions to the conversation, you can make the venture to have the conversation.

For me when I know there is a difficult conversation to be had, rather than put it to the side until I’m ready for it I actually weigh out the outcomes in my head. I’ve realized I’m analytical by nature so I can see that this can be easier for me than other individuals. I try to put myself in the shoes of the other person that the conversation involves and see how I would respond both positively and negatively. Once I do that, I then think about how I would respond to each person’s response. Knowing how I would respond to negative and positive responses (that I’ve thought of) I was more willing to have these conversations. However I know that often the conversations don’t always play out how I thought up. But because I mentally prepared beforehand, I was willing and ready to have this talk.

I don’t believe this is necessarily groundbreaking information, but it is something that has been on my mind for some time. Also, insight of this nature can be used in different settings so I felt that it was important to bring up. Like I stated earlier, when certain conversations are left in limbo for too long the outcome is less than favorable. Once we are able to accept both the positive and negative possible reaction, we are able to willingly have the conversation.



Like I stated this is based purely on my experience and observation of my friends and family when dealing with difficult conversations. If my suggestion doesn’t work for you then it’s alright. I’m willing to accept that I’m wrong but I know it works for me which is why I promote it. Please leave a comment on how YOU deal with difficult conversations if it is different than my own suggestion.


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

