Just Another Rant

Today’s rant. This post may be all over the place however it is a culmination of all my thoughts put on to paper about a specific reoccurring issue in American culture. For the loyal readers of the blog, I apologize for the inconsistency of the postings. I’ve been trying to see how I can implement some time in my day regularly to start writing whatever posts I’d like to however my jobs have been mentally taxing. Whenever I have free time to rest, I’m normally knocked out so I’m still working on it so please bear with me. But let me get this rant over with to get this issue out of my head.

There is a big issue with comprehension in this country. Also, there is a big issue with understanding the difference between a fact and an opinion. Just because you experienced something doesn’t mean everyone experiences the same thing in the same way. I once thought this was common sense but as the years go on I realize that not many people have much common sense. But the reason I say there is an issue with comprehension in America and I would probably argue the world is that people don’t know how to read a situation in its entirety. It’s easier to make a blanket judgment without taking into account all the other external factors. Granted, some people are tasked to do that as a profession however how can you comfortably hold an opinion on something without the facts and how does one hold the same opinion even with an outstanding amount of evidence proving it false? Let’s take a real-life scenario, an American scenario, a mass school shooting. A person gets fed up with life and decides to shoot up a nearby school. They may have shown signs of this type of action to friends and family and they may have even called it in. But due to the shitty mental health system as an entire country, nothing much is done to assist OR he/she doesn’t keep whatever appointments are given. The tragedy happens and the individual is arrested/killed by cops/killed themselves. Regardless of the outcomes, the same turn of events tends to follow. A couple of days after a story breaks, the individual struggles with mental health, and the system failed them. Then a couple of days after that, a manifesto is found detailing what and how they would do the heinous crime. Then a couple of days after that news breaks that the cops/FBI already had a file on this individual and were watching them. In the midst of all these articles coming out, the argument on social media and political groups alike is about gun control vs. mental health. Yet nothing is ever done that would fix the issue. People say that with gun control they would lose their guns and to me, that sounds like if they had to go through a more comprehensive background check they would be found unfit to carry a gun. People say mental health is the issue, but then no law is passed or bill is introduced to address this mental health epidemic that leads certain individuals to get a gun (with little to no interference), walk into a school, and commit havoc. I’ve already said in the past that possibly with a more in-depth background check, then maybe the people that don’t need to have a gun will be deterred. However, we are in a different age. With a good enough 3D printer, you can make your gun from the comfort of your home. So the question then becomes how do we stop the bullshit back and forth we see our pointless representatives spew on the interwebs and deal with the issue at hand. Two things can be true. It can be a gun issue AND a mental health issue. Nothing in this world is black and white, yet that seems to be America's natural way of thinking. It's either this or the other, it’s either this is the issue or that is the issue, it’s black people or it’s white people. All of this back and forth is bullshit and when we start to realize that most, if not all, of these career politicians, are just blowing smoke, lining their pockets, and securing their future, the people that can’t fend for themselves are left behind. There’s no reason that kids should be getting shot at school and to give a teacher a gun to protect students is by far the most backward way of thinking. They are already acting as the second or third parent as well as the main educator, you want to add guerilla soldier to this list? Honestly, I don’t know what the solution is however whatever is being passed lately is not a good solution and, to be honest, it’s going to make it easier for these issues to keep on happening.


Jean Piaget’s 4 Stages of Child Development


Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development