Ego is defined as, “the I or self of any person” as per It could also be thought of as our self-esteem or how we view ourselves. That being said ego can bring about positive or negative effects. We all know those people that are very prideful and think very highly of themselves but it has only led them to negative experiences. This is due to how they think of themselves as well as how they view others. Ego can sometimes skew our vision of the world around us. Could lead us to believe that people are against us or out to get us when in reality it’s our mind playing tricks on us. To minimize this issue we need to get our ego in check and lucky for you, I have suggestions.
Humans tend to be selfish and believe the world revolves around them. This can lead to the same issues with ego that I have listed above. We need to be aware of when our ego begins to take control of our decision making and try to keep it in check. One suggestion to do this is to take time to listen to others before making statements or judgments. It’s easy to believe that we have the answers to everything. I struggle with this as well. But if we take our time to listen first before we make a judgment or make a statement, that could allow us to understand what’s going on before our ego can make the judgment for us.
Another suggestion is to try to put ourselves in the shoes of others. This can be difficult for some people because it could go against everything that they’ve already believed about the world around them. However, no one experience is the same and we need to understand that before dealing with others. Once we can understand another person’s point of view there would be fewer instances of pride getting in the way of friendship.
These are only two suggestions to help get your ego in check but I believe that these two are a great start to change your normal way of thinking. I want you to be able to approach situations from a place of understanding rather than a place of conflict. We are all entitled to opinions but we should give others the same courtesy to provide their opinion that we would like when we share ours. From there we could have a well-informed conversation instead of a shouting match. I hope this information is helpful for some and if not, let me know how I could better provide this information.