
Happy April!

I’m making this post to provide an update as to what is to come next. I’ve been flirting with the idea of making a podcast that will accompany the blog. There may be some episodes that would be independent of the blog but the main premise of the podcast would be to provide an audio portion of the blog. From the first post to the last (minus the posts about updates) I will record what I wrote because I know there are some people that would prefer audio to reading. Currently i’m in study mode for my LMSW exam but after I take it, I will get back to posting. The next post will center around mania and hypomania as an introduction to the DMS 5 criteria for bipolar disorder. Otherwise take some time to read the other posts I have, sign up for a life coaching session, leave a comment, share the site with someone you think may benefit from the information, etc. Have a great day and week everyone.


Manic, Hypomanic and Major Depressive Episodes: Bipolar I and II, the Prequel


Freudian Personality: Id, Ego, Superego